Previous Digital Transfer Services

By | 01/04/2023

Here is a summary of the digital transfer services that we used to provide as mjlvideo and media memory.

It was the digitization and duplication of all media, the extraction of digital media from any medium: SD card or even very old ones like floppy disk and Iomega disk.

We still carry out video editing projects of events to correct colour and exposure, do compilations, summaries, reduction edits or photo slideshows. We still transcribe video into text for English translation and subtitling.

A summary of our digital transfer services

We used to transfer analogue film, video cassettes, Normal 8 and Super 8 movies, cassettes, audio sources, slides, negatives and paper images to digital.

Herewith is a gallery of hardware systems that we used to digitise a wide variety of analogue and celluloid formats.

  • mjlvideo video hardware including two slide scanners, printer and stereo system for capturing audiotapes and vinyl
  • TCS and Elmo telecinemas used to digitise simple 8 and super 8 film
  • TCS Tele cinema hooked up to a Mac HD video capture card
  • Systor DVD duplicator
  • Splicing simple 8 film
  • Sony stereo tape recorder used to capture reel to reel tapes
  • Sony A1 on stand used to capture super eight from Elmo tele-cinema
  • Spare slide projector
  • Spare super 8 and regular 8 Projector used for cleaning and as backup
  • Elmo Super 8 telecinema
  • Focusright Soundcard as a buffer between vinyl audio output and the PC recorder
  • MJL Video office
  • Magnon SD 800 Super 8 film projector
  • Simple 8 Splicer
  • All the VHS and Hi8 capture equipment used by MJL video
  • Plastek slide scanner for detailed slide scanning up to 7200 dpi
  • Power slide 5000 slide scanner
  • JVC Super VHS cassette player to output to a Sony HDD recorder and then out to DVD
  • Deluxe super 8 splicer and 120m reels
  • Deluxe super 8 splicer and 120m reels
  • Collection of Super 8 film projectors
  • Chinon Super 8 sound film projector
  • Technics vinyl disc player and Kenwood amp
  • Sony MD disk player

Super 8 and Single 8 digital transfer

We transferred 8mm reels to DVD in MPEG 2 or USB stick format in QuickTime or AVI format using one of our two telecinemas. We automatically removed the joins between film reels in digital video post-editing.

Example of Super 8 digital transfer

We used our telecinema to transfer Simple 8 and Super 8 movies.

We transferred our films using telecinemas, which, by transferring at a constant speed and without flickering, guarantee a quality image.

Sometimes people didn’t know how to identify the contents of their reels before recording, in which case we transferred the raw footage to DVD for evaluation prior to editing. We then edited the video and produced another copy of the DVD.

By default, we left recordings without sound on DVD, but we might edit in voice or music on request.

Digital transfer of video cassettes

Old hardware is increasingly difficult to find in good condition. We transferred souvenir cassettes to digital format for families to share with loved ones and future generations. We transferred all formats of video cassettes, including VHS, VHS-C, Hi-8, DV, and HDV:

We used to transfer camcorder cassettes digitally to DVD, USB keysor hard drive.

Digital transfer of audio tapes and cassettes

We scanned your audio cassettes, dictaphone tapes, magnetic audio reels and vinyl disks onto audio CDs, MP3 or WAV on USB stick or hard drive.

We transferred audio cassettes, tapes or vinyl records either to digital audio CDs, WAV files or directly into MP3 on a hard key or hard drive.

You could listen to your vinyl records, your grandmother’s recording or your favourite 80s audio cassette on an audio CD, on your phone or in a car in MP3.

Post-transfer digital editing

The first type of digital audio editing is simple cutting and cleaning. We can also edit a digital audio soundtrack associated with a video track.

This type of audio editing can be done with any type of video, whether the source is old or new.

We can also add a music track that corresponds to video over several tracks or themes. This type of audio editing is most often done for video tracks from mute Super 8 reels.

Add voice commentary

A further option is to add voice commentary. We help you to record your feelings and comments about the video in question, to explain what was going on, the scenes, and the people, in order to create an unforgettable family archive.

We have done this kind of work for our clients, especially for commemorative anniversary projects for birthdays. The person filmed themselves on camera and we took on the editing.

Colour correction

We ensure the quality of the image and perform colour correction when necessary. Obvious discolourations can be corrected as an editing option.

Colour correction of images depends on the level of quality sought. Very good results are possible, frame by frame or per batch.

However, in batch processing, the best case is to have batches that are similar in colour profile.

When scanning slides and negatives, we apply the most suitable correction depending on the project. Colour correction is available as a video editing option.

Camera tapes retain their colour in general. However, we might do in-depth colour correction for specific dedicated video editing projects.

We applied colour correction filters to video for contrast, brightness to improve colour depth if the colours in your recordings are bland. This is not always necessary, but some films deserve it.

Old films (Super 8) age differently over time (Kodak is better than Fuji) and can lose their original look. For those which tended to turn purple monochrome, we generally converted them to black and white.

For those that in colour, but bland, we could improve saturation and exposure. Specific colorimetry correction can be detailed work, looking for the smallest duration of constant colour.

Photo reconstruction

It is possible to reconstruct a badly damaged photo. The example opposite seems to have received ink splashes in several places. We managed to remove these defects, making the photo black and white and by partly rebuilding pixels outright, especially for the face of the man.

We are not graphic designers or artists, but we know how to use the relevant tools. For any advanced artistic work, it is always advisable to employ a specialist.

Digital transfer of slides

We scanned slides, paper photos and negatives onto CDs, DVDs, USB sticks or hard drives or could send them to customers using WeTransfer.

Many customers rediscovered photos taken in the 80s or 90s, before digital devices were widely available. Scanning photos allowed them to relive past events, and share them with friends and family.

Most consumer scanners are able to scan between 4 and 6 images so slide scanning can take a long time. This scanner from Plustek enabled us to scan at high resolution.

For larger volumes, we used a Powerslide volume scanner loaded with 100 slides, enabling us to scan efficiently and at high resolution.

We cleaned, loaded and unloaded the slides, thus saving time for our customers, and made sure images were rotated vertically before delivery. We corrected the scan colour of slides per batch. For quality rendition, we were able to apply individual or bulk colour correction as an option.

Digital transfer of negatives

We digitized digital negatives on CD, DVD, USB key, hard drive or send them by WeTransfer. We scanned negatives and positives, sometimes not even printed as paper photos.

Digital scanning allowed our customers to relive past events and share them with friends and family.

Digital transfer of paper photos

Some customers converted their photos into printed photo albums. What better way to relive your photos than to offer them as a birthday or Christmas present?

We scanned at resolutions of up to 5000 dpi allowing customers to enlarge and print scanned images up to A3. You could even make a poster.

We scanned paper photos digitally. Once scanned, photos can be adjusted to improve or restore their colour. Scanned photos can easily be included in family photo libraries.

You can also create a printed album or animated slideshow of photos set to music. This slideshow traced the history of a family from old paper photos, glass plates, mixed with scanned images of slides, negatives and recent digital photos.

Scan your paper photos to create a photo library, printed album or animated slideshow. You could also upload your photos to a digital frame and display them in your office or living space.

You may want to save not only photos, but important documents to keep and store them in a cloud service such as Evernote. You may simply need to have documents backed up on your computer for safety reasons, fire, or simply for ease of consultation.

Digital transfer of Glass Plates

We restored them as black-and-white digital photos after correcting the contrast and exposure. The example below is from a private collection.

DVD duplication

We duplicated DVDs for schools and several theatre companies that had filmed events to distribute to the public. We duplicated DVDs for a public institution that needed to distribute documents. We provide you with as many copies as required, with dust jacket, case or printed booklet.

We provided several options for cases: CD, slim, slim DVD, and full-size DVD. The price of printing varies depending on the type of case, the extent of your project or whether or not you want to print on the DVD itself.

We provided specific quotes, including graphic design or not, depending on the project.

If you transferred your tapes or reels, you may want a backup copy that remains in the archives, or to give a friend or loved one. We duplicated DVDs in small quantities to distribute to family and friends.

We duplicated DVDs for schools and several theatre companies that had filmed events to distribute to the public. We duplicated DVDs for a public institution that needed to distribute documents. We provided multiple copies with (optional) a jacket, case or printed booklet.

We provided several options for cases: CD, slim, slim DVD, and full-size DVD. The price of printing varies depending on the type of case, the extent of your project or whether or not you want to print on the DVD itself.

Digital Media File Conversion

We offer digital media file conversion of your digital audio and video sources into other file formats.

Converting video formats

We converted formats to move between editing platforms. We offered this service to receive any audio or video input format and output it in any format.

Converting audio formats

Compression means that more sound can be stored on media, but may also mean lower quality. Despite this, MP3 can do the job, depending on the application, but for hi-fi and sound enthusiasts, it just won’t cut it, the quality out depends on the quality in. We exported sound files from either WAV, MP3, or Audio CDs.

Upload to YouTube

You may wish to export, view or retain your media on YouTube. We can do this for you.

Hard and Optical disks

We handled corrupted hard disks and damaged optical disks. We had the connectors to extract any media, the software to recover damaged hard drives, and the cleaners to resurface optical disks.

Filming, editing and duplication

Here is a short graphical summary of the video services offered by mjlvideo.

Digital Video and Data Services

Digital video services are not limited to data manipulation, although many of the skills are similar.

Récupération de multiples supports numériques

Technical video editing requires management of data to ensure that the right piece of video is in the right place. Digital video services can include activities such as digital streaming or othermultimedia activities.

digital transfer services by

Data is of course inherent to any system, whether it’s managing installation files and disks, drivers, backing up databases, or managing a data warehouse.

  • Export videos to YouTube.
  • Iomega Disk Transfer
  • Ripping MP3 and SD cards to CD
  • Download videos from the Internet
  • Putting video on electronic frames

The key is to have the technical knowledge of the container structure, and know-how in physical data management. Like development, data management is therefore specific to the project.

Projects are evaluated on the basis of environmental analysis. The size, scope and sensitivity of the environment, combined with the exact requirements and resources, help define the project or role.

Other digital services

Digital services, new formats, data restoration, recovering deleted files and other data, and backups.

  • Duplication
  • Data recovery
  • Backups to disk or online
data management services